ReMA Metal Theft Laws - Seller Notice Requirements

Some states require recyclers to post a sign or include a notice with the transaction containing specific information on the law for the seller. This report includes the notice text and any statutory requirements for the display. This information can also be included in a Custom Report by selecting Signage / Notice to Seller from the General category.

What Is Included In This Report

  • Signage / Notice to Seller

This report can be viewed online or downloaded as a PDF or as a CSV file (Excel or other database).

Please Note: This database is not intended to serve as legal advice; please consult an attorney or legal advisor regarding the application of the laws and any regulations to specific situations you may encounter. This database does not cover vehicle detitling/dismantling laws, scrap yard / junk yard zoning and screening requirements, laws on the purchase and processing of precious metals and jewelry, such as gold, silver, and platinum, or secondhand materials laws.

Select Your States

Have Questions?

Justin Short
Manager, Gov't Relations
(202) 662-8508

Abby Blocker
VP of State & Local Government Affairs
(202) 662-8511